Inheritance fundraising made easy – with DeinAdieu

Digital legacy fundraising
for non-profit organizations

Why legacy fundraising?

In Austria, over 6,000 organizations compete for an annual donation volume of over one billion euros 1). In the increasing competition for donations, fundraisers are under great pressure.

It is also a fact that around 15 billion euros are bequeathed in Austria every year, and the trend is rising. Only a fraction of this ends up with organizations, although the potential is enormous: around 70 percent of Austrians donate regularly and demonstrate their solidarity with aid organizations 2).

Legacy fundraising is therefore the most attractive source of funding for organizations with a donor, member or benefactor base. A legacy or bequest to an organization averages between 50,000 and 100,000 euros 3).

The potential is huge:

Over 20 percent of Austrians can imagine including an NGO in their will 4).

The population is happy to donate:

The Austrian population likes to donate to good causes. In 2023, 71% of the population donated 5). A high donation frequency signals loyalty and opens up opportunities for donations in wills.

The market is growing:

The Austrian inheritance market is growing significantly. The inheritance volume of 15 billion euros is set to increase in the coming years 6).

Heirs of retirement age:

The average age of heirs today is between 60 and 65 years 7). These people no longer need to build a livelihood and are eligible as donors. The heirs are just as important to the NGOs as the testators.

NGOs recognize the potential:

NGOs in Austria are intensifying their efforts. NGOs already receive over 120 million euros in estate donations, and the trend is rising 8).

Substantial source of financing:

Testamentary donations are becoming an increasingly important source of funding for NGOs. Over 10 percent of total donations already come from will donations 9).

How to acquire legacies inheritances?

Inheritances and legacies do not “fall from the sky” by chance. In most cases, an emotional relationship already exists between a person and the beneficiary organization. With the help of suitable tools, it is important to identify these valuable individuals and ask for their support.

In the past, organizations mainly relied on the costly mailing of legacy brochures. The response rate for such brochures is generally low and difficult to measure.

Their own websites and online fundraising portals such as are the most important fundraising tools for non-governmental organizations today.

The Children’s Hospital Zurich receives several dozen potential legacies every year via the DeinAdieu will service – without any personnel involvement on our part.

Wanda Arnet, Responsible for legacies, bequests and philanthropy

What does DeinAdieu offer?

Online will for your page

With the will generator, donors, patrons, members and other visitors to your website can create an individual will template free of charge

  • Your organization is automatically suggested for consideration
  • Co-branding incl. Contact to the responsible fundrasing person
  • Easy to integrate on your website
  • Multilingual (DE, EN, FR, IT)
  • 100% data protection compliant and legally compliant

Additional functions tools – for holistic legacy fundraising

We support you with additional tools and templates in your partner login for comprehensive legacy fundraising.

  • Various communication tools and templates to download
  • Partner login to manage your organization

Measurable success

Your partner login gives you access to real-time metrics such as clicks, visits, completions and leads generated by the will generator. We also offer you a wealth of other resources for your work

  • Real-time tracking
  • Lead generation
  • Basis for further relationship management
  • Examples for thanksgiving
  • Website Comparison ranking

Visibility on

We present your organization with its own profile and details of your projects and introduce the person responsible for foundation and legacy fundraising. Here you can find the directory with the profiles: to the organization directory

  • Organisation Directory Listing
  • Your own profile with your organisation’s key data
  • Contact the fundraiser
  • Report on your organization and/or with potential testators (subject to a fee)

What are the success factors?

Prerequisites for successful digital legacy/estate fundraising are existing donors/members/stakeholders/benefactors or clients. It is also advantageous to have a well-known brand that has a high level of target group loyalty, as well as your own website through which the target group can be addressed:

Target group

Ideally, you have a donor database with at least a few thousand contacts that you can inform about the possibility of donating a will. Members, patrons, clients, or otherwise emotionally connected to your organization also come as pot. Testators in question. What is relevant here is not a particularly generous donation in the past, but the emotional connection or at best the donation frequency/loyalty. We are targeting the will tool at people between 60 and 75 years old.


Your legacy marketing website, where you draw attention to your organization’s support opportunities, must be easy to find. The subject of bequests/inheritance must be prominently described and the wills tool must be easily accessible. Here is an example: Stiftung Denk an mich.

Number of visitors

Only large organizations have enough organic website traffic on the topic of legacies/bequests. Therefore, use your existing communication channels to direct your target audience to the appropriate landing page. You can use physical mailings, e-mail campaigns or newsletters, social media, brochures, annual reports, webinars, etc. You will find successful example campaigns in your partner login.

Basic Subscriptions, Top Listings and Whitelabel Solution

Basic subscription

Obtain all services* from DeinAdieu in a convenient subscription model. The DeinAdieu subscription includes:

  • The will tool for your page
  • A presence on in the directory with your own profile
  • Access to the partner login with tracking, leads and other resources
  • Free support and advice (1 hour per year)
  • Annual termination option up to 3 months before the subscription expires
  • Flexible start date

*Reports are not included in the subscription price and will be invoiced separately.

Individual Whitelabel Solution

Prerequisite for the white label solution is an active partnership with DeinAdieu within the framework of a basic subscription.

Scope of Services:

  • No logos, contact information of;
  • Own domain
  • Branded emails to users and from mail domain
  • Optional thank-you-page with link to the organization instead of free initial consultation

Setup scope:

  • Set up option white labeling
  • Subscription creation
  • Set up individual domain
  • Test run with partner organization and 1 hour of technical support from senior software developer

NGO revenue in EuroNGO smallestNGO smallNGO mediumNGO large
< 2 million2-6 million6-30 million> 30 million
Basic subscription
(in euros per year*)
1900 € 2700 3900 5400 €
incl. One-off setup
(in euros*)
+ 5900 € (white label solution per year)
+ 1900 € (one-off setup)
* Service without VAT – tax liability rests with the recipient.

Become a partner


We would be happy to demonstrate all the functions of our platform and the will generator to you during an online meeting. Benefit from our more than seven years of experience in digital legacy fundraising.

What other fundraisers say about us:


1.) Fundraising Association Austria (FVA). (2023). Donation Report 2023. p. 3.
2.) Elisabeth Oberndorfer. (2023). How much do we inherit? Wiener Zeitung.; Fundraising Association Austria (FVA). (2023). Donation Report 2023. p. 3.
3.) Fundraising Association Austria (FVA). (2023). Donation Report 2023. p. 21.
4.) Fundraising Association Austria (FVA). (2023). Donation Report 2023. p. 21, with further details.
5.) Fundraising Association Austria (FVA). (2023). Donation Report 2023. p. 6, with further details.
6.) Sophie Achleitner, Marie Hasdenteufel. (2023). Policy Brief 03/2024: Inheritances in Austria. p. 10.
7) Fundraising magazine. (2022, February 11). More people ready for charitable bequests. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from
8.) Fundraising Association Austria (FVA). (2023). Donation Report 2023. p. 21.
9) See Fundraising Association Austria (FVA). (2023). Donation Report 2023. p. 6, 21.